Spring Gathering 2025

  • Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025
  • Time: 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
  • Check-in Opens: 8:30 a.m.
  • How: Live in-person presentation
  • Location: Children's Place Montessori (map).
  • Presenter: Jessica Ravineala, MS, OTRL
  • Presentation: Guiding Neurodivergent Children Toward Regulation
  • Questions?: Email Kathy Smoko
Registration is limited to 60

Spring Gathering 2025

Michigan Montessori Society Spring Gathering

Guiding Neurodivergent Children Toward Regulation

Saturday, April 26, 2025
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Presenter: Jessica Ravineala, MS, OTRL
Live in-person presentation

Workshop Location:

Children's Place Montessori (map).


Members and Adult Learners: $25
Non-Members: $30
Affiliate Schools: $25 (unlimited number of attendees each at $25/attendee)
Member Schools: $25 (receive one registration at the member price of $25)


If including your MiRegistry number, please register for the workshop with your name exactly as it appears in MiRegistry.
Four hours of professional development time will be added to MiRegistry for those who register with their MiRegistry number.



Schedule of Events

8:30 - 9:00 - Registration, tea / coffee / light selection of pastries, networking

During Registration and Transition times (8:30 – 9:00, 10:15 – 10:30, 11:15 – 11:30) please look over the bulletin boards displaying activities highlighting various cultural holidays.

9:00- 10:15 - Keynote Speaker - Guiding Neurodivergent Children Toward Regulation

Jessica Ravineala, MS, OTRL, is an occupational therapist and owner of The Therapy SPOT. She graduated from Grand Valley State University with a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy, after studying psychology, human development, and art at Central Michigan University. She has experience treating autistic children/young adults, children who have sensory processing and regulation issues, feeding and oral motor difficulties, visual processing and perceptual issues, as well as other physical and neurological impairments. She also has experience working with children who struggle with anxiety and mood disorders. Her continuing education has focused on a variety of areas, including visual development and perceptual skills, the vestibular system, neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT), Therapeutic Listening, Myofascial Release, Visceral Manipulation, feeding & oral motor, Social Thinking strategies, DIR/Floortime, the Collaborative Proactive Solutions model (CPS) and responsive parenting. She is passionate about following a child’s interests and learning neurodivergent affirming approaches. Her favorite part about working with kids is being able to affect the entire family’s ability to function by helping children overcome their challenges and realize their potential.

Session 1 10:30 – 11:15

1) Q&A following keynote on helping neurodivergent students regulate -Jessica Ravineala
2) Helping students with language delays - Barb Barnes, Owner of North Star Montessori
3) Classroom Management - Denise Van Pelt, Lower El Teacher, Grand Rapids Montessori Program

Session 2 11:30 – 12:15

1) School Culture and Difficult Conversations (with students, parents and co-workers) - Maggie Bishoff, Program Director, Brookview School
2) Helping students with language delays - Barb Barnes
3) Classroom Management - Denise Van Pelt

Closing - 12:15 - 12:30

Tour classrooms, visit cultural displays, closing remarks, pass out certificates.

Spring 2025 Gathering Registration
  • Registration Form
  • Payment & Signature

Please fill out the required fields below.

Please do not click your browser's back button to navigate between form steps. This will delete your entry and there isn't an undo function. If you need to navigate between form pages, only use the next and previous buttons found at the bottom of each form page to navigate.

Please verify your individual membership or affiliated school status BEFORE proceeding:

  • MMS Member – paid $25 for my membership that runs from July to June
  • Affiliate School – My school is an approved MMS affiliate
  • Member School – My school is an approved Member School

You can become a member by clicking here BEFORE registering for this workshop.

The following are conference registration rates:

  • Members and Adult Learners - $25
  • Non-Members - $30
  • Affiliate Schools - $25 (unlimited registrations at $25/registration)
  • Member Schools - $25 (receive one registration at the member price of $25)

Registrant Information

This is also considered a registration.
For affiliate registrations, this is where the registration confirmation will be sent. Note: Each attendee added as part of an affiliate registration will also receive their own confirmation.
To receive credit in MiRegistry please include your MiRegistry number. You can look up your MiRegistry Number here. If you do not have a MiRegistry ID Number, please enter NA here.

The School I’m/This Person is Associated With

Do you want to add any other registrations? *

Other Registrations

For attendees to receive credit in MiRegistry, please include their MiRegistry number. Attendees can look up their MiRegistry Number here. If this attendee does not have a MiRegistry ID Number, enter NA here.